Trung Nguyen Legend: Change to be Great!


Ho Chi Minh City, 28th day of March 2020

To the Brothers and Sisters of the Trung Nguyen Legend Family,

This letter is addressed to you in the most extraordinary day, in the most urgent context, in the most challenging situation, in the most crucial decisive moments – not just to the world and our nation, but also to our Trung Nguyen Legend Family, ever since date of our foundation…

Each brother and sister’s sense of well-being is the protection of their own safety, reliability for their colleagues, peace of mind for their family members and security and stability for the whole community!

Today is also the first day, and in many more days to come, throughout our country, tens of millions of people, hundreds of thousands of businesses, large and small, tens of thousands of individual business households… have vigorously implemented a series of critical requests, drastic measures and urgent instructions of the Government to mitigate, control and prevent the spread of Covid-19 pandemic to the community.

Globally, the United States of America, the number 1 economic power, has become the country with the highest number of Covid-19 infections in the world – far ahead of China and shows no sign of decline. In the past few days, the number of deaths in a day in Italy and Spain has far surpassed that of Wuhan (China) with nearly 1,000 deaths in a day and continues to increase.

In less than 60 days of the Covid-19 pandemic, 3 billion workers in the world lost their jobs, billions of people are being quarantined in cities and countries. The global economy lost about 1,000 billion dollars this year. In the case of Vietnam, in a recent survey with 1,200 enterprises, large and small – if the Covid-19 epidemic lasts for another 2 to 3 months, 74% of businesses would go bankrupt, and 60% of businesses would have lost from 20% to 50% of the revenue. So far, more than tens of thousands of workers have lost their jobs or take unpaid leave… and the number continues to rise.

The above facts and figures should prove one thing, the Covid-19 pandemic has attacked, paralyzed, and destroyed, without exception, the rich and the poor, the large and the small enterprises, the powerful nations and the not so powerful ones… And one more truth: there have hardly been any cities, nations, or corporations that can quickly adapt and respond to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Therefore, the most important thing in this moment is that every member of Trung Nguyen Legend Family must do the best to take care of his/her own health, and that of his/her family members, to comply with the regulations and instructions of the health authorities on the prevention of the Covid-19 pandemic. When we take care of our health we are making solid efforts together with the Government and the organization in bringing about safety and security for the community, peace of mind for our colleagues, customers and that is the most practical action right now in safe-guarding the operation and business of our Trung Nguyen Legend Family.

This is also the most difficult time ever for our organization, but also the time when every one of our brothers and sisters feels blessed that every day we are still at work, we are still proud of contributing to the development of Trung Nguyen Legend Group. We are one of the few large corporations that are still committed to maintaining the best working policies in the context of the Covid-19 epidemic which has severely affected and paralyzed many businesses, causing great losses in sales in Vietnam and in international markets.

Difficulties will continue for a long time, and the evolution of Covid-19 virus will become more and more dangerous and unpredictable. We have no choice but to be more proactive in responding and adapting to worst case scenarios, act faster, change more drastically, operate more economically to proactively prepare for the most critical situations of the organization.

What is more important, in tough times like this, is the spirit of optimism and determination to firmly believe in the strategy taught by the Chairman of Trung Nguyen Legend Corporation – Dang Le Nguyen Vu; it is the spirit of overcoming difficulties together, actively sharing difficulties and hardships with the organization.

Today is also the first time in the history of the development of Trung Nguyen Legend that we do not organize any celebration activities on the occasion of the 17th anniversary of the Company Tradition Day, the date Trung Nguyen declared its Vision, Mission and Core Values on the 28th day of March (March 28, 2003 – March 28, 2020). And that does not mean we forget our core values of Creativity – Responsibility – Serving which have formed the very foundation of our organization.

Today is the first Saturday and the first time in the history of Trung Nguyen Legend’s 25 years of establishment and development, we have officially started the work-from-home program. Starting next week, our back-office teams will take turn to work from home with the support of technology to ensure smooth operations and continuity of support services.

Today, when the back-office staff work safely at home, there are still thousands of brothers and sisters of the sales force, in domestic and international markets are out there, walking the streets, to each point of sale, with each distributor… to persuade and to serve our customers with each sales order. There are still hundreds of brothers and sisters working in our plants, our farms, our warehouses… to ensure the continued production, timely delivery, key project implementation. But not because of the division of space and working time in the special circumstances of the Covid-19 epidemic did we forget the qualities of Love – Solidarity – Creativity – Discipline – Responsibility that form the Trung Nguyen Legend Warriors.

Today is not the first day that the whole chain of Trung Nguyen Legend stores, and Trung Nguyen E-coffee stores nationwide has to close down because of the pandemic, but it is the first day we activate the new method of selling, applying new technology to continue serving those excellent cups of energy coffee and energy coffee products to the hands, homes and offices… of our customers.

More than ever, in the most difficult, challenging, and dangerous times – it is now the time when every member of Trung Nguyen Legend Family shall come together to show the highest spirit of Creativity in all circumstances, the Warrior spirit in all adversities against the increasingly rapid and fierce developments of the Covid-19 epidemic. It is high time the Chairman of Trung Nguyen Legend Corporation – Dang Le Nguyen Vu’s Different, Special, Unique strategies about a new way of living – the Wisdom Lifestyle – be implemented drastically.

It is at this moment, right here, right now – that each of us will express the highest sense of Responsibility than ever before, clearly showing the quality of the Warrior in every circumstance, adversity and we hold our hands tightly, whole-heartedly, and send each other wishes for good health, love. Together, with optimism and determination, we shall surely overcome these crucial moments that test the very existence of our Trung Nguyen Legend Family!