Article 7: Desire for prosperity from the land of coffee origin

Coffee held a particularly sacred position in cultural life of the Ethiopian.

Coffee held a particularly sacred position in cultural life of the Ethiopian.

For hundreds of years, coffee has become an indispensable part of the cultural and spiritual life of Ethiopians – the land of origin of coffee.

Harar was an important cultural and commercial center of Ethiopia from the late 16th to the 19th century.  For centuries, coffee has been a symbol of prosperity and wealth of this place.

The Harar people believed that coffee uplifts the intellect and increases prosperity. Every morning, before enjoying coffee, they would offer a coffee pot to the sacred power and pray, “Coffee pot bring peace, coffee pot help children grow, coffee pot give us prosperity. Please protect us from the devil, bring us rain and give us herbs.”

The vastness of the coffee garden was a sign of the power and class of the aristocratic families and those who worked for the royal family. Coffee growers were called Harash. They were strictly kept within the city to preserve the art of growing coffee.

Through coffee rituals the Ethiopian believed that they would be blessed with a new life and many new ideas

Through coffee rituals the Ethiopian believed that they would be blessed with a new life and many new ideas

In Ethiopian culture, coffee held a particularly sacred position. According to the legend of the Oromo people – the ethnic group that once dominated the Ethiopian Empire during the 18th and 19th centuries, the first coffee tree sprang up from the tears of God. Therefore, they performed coffee rituals with the belief that God would bless a new life with many new creative ideas.

In the coffee ritual, Ethiopians drank coffee with neutral water so that the energy of the coffee would be completely released, helping to change the mind of the drinker. After enjoying coffee, they would discuss and find ideas to solve specific problems such as living condition, marriage, or a certain adventure…

Whenever there is an important event in the community, or something important to discuss, resolve, decide, the Ethiopians would conduct a coffee ritual.

Whenever there is an important event in the community, or something important to discuss, resolve, decide, the Ethiopians would conduct a coffee ritual.

Until now, over hundreds of years, coffee still holds an important position in the cultural, social and economic life of Ethiopia. It is estimated that there are now more than 6,000 varieties of coffee that grow naturally in the highlands of Ethiopia. Arabica beans from the land where the coffee tree originated is considered to have the most delicious taste in the world.

Coffee culture has become a tradition, passed down from generation to generation in Ethiopia.

Coffee culture has become a tradition, passed down from generation to generation in Ethiopia.

In Vietnam, the world’s oldest coffee bean from Ethiopia is one of the raw materials selected by Trung Nguyen Legend Group. With energy from the sacred land of origin, Ethiopian coffee beans contribute to creating Different, Special and Unique energy coffees which provide coffee lovers and enthusiasts around the world with powerful source of creative energy.


Source: “The Philosophical Way of Coffee” – copyright by Trung Nguyen Legend