Article 9: Ottoman coffee civilization – Cultural heritage of mankind
Ottoman coffee civilization is the coffee civilization of the Muslim world, where coffee is considered a holy beverage, stimulating creativity.
Indispensable in cultural life
Since the late 15th century, Sufi Muslims have been drinking coffee during traditional ceremonies (Dhikr) at night. Coffee helps people stay awake and easily generate new ideas. Impressed with this characteristic, Muslims have coined their own term for the strength and energy that coffee produces as “Marqaha”.

Coffee is considered a holy beverage that brings alertness, stimulates creativity and strengthens faith for Muslims.
Ottoman coffee is brewed coffee. Coffee beans are finely ground (the finest of all brewing techniques) then directly mixed with water and boiled in a special pot called a Cezve. According to the opinion of the Ottomans, this preparation will keep the most quintessential flavor of coffee.
The cup of coffee exudes a rich aroma, the drinker waits for the coffee residue to settle down before enjoying. After drinking a delicious cup of coffee, based on the shape of the coffee residue at the bottom of the cup, you can predict your future. The coffee fortune-telling culture is still popular in Turkey today.
Energy of the thinker

Coffee shops are not only the place to enjoy coffee but also act as a cultural space.
In the 16th century, the first coffee shop in Istanbul was born. From here, coffee opened up a new area of economic activity and changed Ottoman social life.
Coffee shops are not only the place to enjoy coffee but also act as a cultural space. People from different ethnicities, classes, and occupations gather and play chess, read the news, discuss social issues and look for business opportunities. Writers, poets, folk artists come to display their works of art, music and poetry.

Coffee acts as a catalyst for discussions and has been likened to “Milk of chess players and thinkers”.
Coffee acts as a catalyst for discussions and has been likened to “Milk of chess players and thinkers”. The coffee shop acts as a place for knowledge exchange and is called “Mekteb-i ‘irfan” – a school of knowledge, providing and disseminating new ideas. At the same time it breaks down social class barriers and promote socialization.
In 2013, the Ottoman coffee civilization (Turkish coffee culture) was recognized by UNESCO as an intangible cultural heritage of humanity. That heritage value has been researched and applied by leading coffee experts at Trung Nguyen Legend Group to create a product set of Trung Nguyen Legend Capsule (roasted coffee capsules) with flavors of Ottoman – Roman – Zen, converging the quintessence of three typical coffee civilizations of humanity, bringing to the community of coffee lovers and enthusiasts to enjoy coffee in a modern style while preserving its full, quintessential taste.