Article 23: Understanding a cup of Cappuccino
How many times have we stood in front of beauty, the wishes that we thought we had forgotten suddenly came back with a new meaning. Admiring a masterpiece of art that suddenly visualizes the world we crave. Enjoying a cup of Cappuccino is that kind of vibe.
Traditionally, the culinary arts have been described as “Human’s attempt to harmonize, complement, or master nature”. This means that cuisine is a creation from the natural foundation that nature offers to honor the values, souls and aspirations of people. In this sense, coffee is both a drink of intellectual sublimation and a result of the creative process of human art and culinary enjoyment. In the same sense, Cappuccino is known as a typical Italian-style drink because the connotation of how to create a cup of Cappuccino has expressed the Italian philosophy of life and upward aspirations. Starting from the advancement of science and technology and the pursuit of changing the entire life of people with modern facilities, but still expressing the cultural identity of the nation’s origin, affirming the permanence of the national identity and quality.
Initially, Cappuccino was made from Espresso with cream, sprinkled with cinnamon or chocolate on top. Along with the continuous creative process of the art of enjoying coffee, Cappuccino is gradually perfected in terms of preparation with 3 equal parts: Espresso, hot milk and foamed milk. Espresso coffee has a strong, full flavor. Fresh cow’s milk with a minimum of 3.2% protein and 3.5% fat is heated in an Espresso machine to create a mixture of hot milk and foam. The tiny layer of milk foam is created by introducing very small air bubbles into the milk, keeping the coffee and milk below warm and fragrant for longer.

The brewing technology creates a super uplifting cup of coffee, offering the drinker a mind state that surpasses himself and a sense of the ability to sublimate to a new lifestyle.
The technique of creating a cup of Cappuccino requires the Barista to really understand and control each stage from preparation, making to finishing the masterpiece. For the variation of steam temperature can also denature the protein composition of milk. The size boundary of milk foam is really fragile, small changes can ruin the entire characteristic of the Cappuccino cup. Even the coffee cup needs a certain amount of warmth. It is a scientific process that forces the Barista to be smart about physical proportions, chemical reactions, sensitive to time, temperature, impact force, air pressure … to create a Cappuccino masterpiece.
Cappuccino is the result of an industrial operation, similar to the rational spirit when the industrial revolution directly penetrated into the world view, human outlook, upholding the power of science, human intelligence, promoting the development of human material life to new heights. But it is not for this that man depends on science. Western civilization is human-centered, and the expression of human nature is culture. Humans – the subject of cultural energy – with their own internal strength, will, aspiration and ability to transform and create, have transformed culture into life activities. In this process, people incarnate into creative products to express cultural power and manifest the “ego”.
Barista, although operating on modern equipment, with accurate scientific parameters, always holds a central position. He simultaneously dances with technology, conquers and shapes, and masters the tools and equipment. Cup of Cappuccino featuring Italian culture floating like clouds. The bitterness of coffee fuses the sweetness of milk, balance, almost no acidity and absolutely no bitterness. The Barista conveys his own will into the entire operation of the coffee making and into the shaping operation on the milk foam. It is this that makes each cup of Cappuccino like a vital entity carrying the soul of culture, the core of the art of coffee making, the projection of the spirit – the concept of the bartender. From there, it awakens the audience’s senses.

Each cup of Cappuccino affirms the role of man in the physical world by thoughts and all the emotions that vibrate the soul of the beholder.
Especially, if other coffee systems stimulate taste and smell, Cappuccino is aimed at sight. But sight has always been associated with the direction of the future, the vision that people always aspire to. For the same reason, when enjoying a cup of Cappuccino, the longings and wishes we hide deep in our minds will arise with a new glory. In other words, a cup of Cappuccino creates a catalyst that evokes the aspirations that people’s hearts aspire to, and then transcends themselves to become the model they want to be, want to have.
And when people live fully with their life aspirations, those living wishes seem to really live. Therefore, it is no coincidence that since the 20th century, when Cappuccino coffee became popular in Italy, it also developed along with future-oriented artistic movements such as Futurism, Surrealism, L’arte concettuale, Contemporary Art, Transavantgarde Movement…

The highest level of enjoyment is when people can perceive and realize that the enjoyment itself is to help themselves reach the closest level to the “ideal self” model.
Stemming from the aspiration for a successful and happy human being, Trung Nguyen Legend Group researched to create a new generation of energy coffee products with the desire to bring clarity and purity in the vision and emotions of people to awaken each person to understand their own mission. In particular, Trung Nguyen Legend Cappuccino energy coffee system with 3 special flavors of Mocha, Hazelnut and Coconut is an Italian-style instant Cappuccino product line that helps you enjoy delicious cups of Capuchino coffee anywhere.
Coming up: Cappuccino – the beauty of creativity