Kết quả tìm kiếm:
  • Vietnamese coffee on the rise

    · Global coffee supply in crisis due to climate change · Vietnam coffee makes its mark with Trung Nguyen Legend COFFEE'S GLOBAL CRISIS HANOI, VIETNAM - Media OutReach Newswire - 14 May 2024 - A study published by HSBC (1) in October 2023 forecast that by 2050, the number of regions suitable for coffee cultivation could decrease...

  • Discovery Channel premiers documentary on Vietnamese coffee

    The documentary film “The Tao of Coffee” has been officially premiered on the Discovery Channel in Australia and New Zealand, starting on the evening of November 24, 2023. The film revolves around the aspirations and the journey of the Vietnamese coffee industry to introduce the nation’s coffee culture to the...

  • Article 99: The art of crafting coffee tools and utensils

    During the process, coffee has accompanied the development of various aspects of social life. The tools and techniques for brewing, as well as the enjoyment of coffee, have been continuously innovated, becoming cultural symbols of nations and empires, contributing to the formation of exemplary coffee cultures worldwide. [caption id="attachment_36803" align="aligncenter"...

  • Article 98: Coffee – Creativity changes the film industry

    Originating from the function of awakening and creativity, coffee and coffee shops played a significant role in the formation and development of the film industry. [caption id="attachment_36699" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Nothing is more important than the moving image, except for my cup of coffee in the morning. Actor Charlie Chaplin (1889...

  • Article 97: Coffeehouses – Centers of Cultural and Artistic Activities

    With an atmosphere of free thinking and open discourse, coffeehouses have become centers of culture, connecting, and promoting artistic activities, shaping the grand civilization of humanity. [caption id="attachment_36493" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Those individuals who embrace freedom and creativity in coffeehouses have become role models for a significant portion of the population....

  • Article 96: Coffee and the formation of artistic movements

    In the history of artistic development, coffee has always been a companion, becoming a source of energy that ignites inspiration and drives boundless creativity. [caption id="attachment_35584" align="aligncenter" width="800"] When drinking coffee, people feel happiness, hope, sorrows dissipate, and they are filled with strength. Coffee truly is a stimulant for the...

  • Article 95: Dorothy Day – For a better society through love and compassion

    Coffee and coffee shops are sources of energy and places for restructuring the ideas of the era, forming progressive movements, and contributing to the construction of an equal and prosperous society. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"] My strength returns to me with my cup of coffee - Social activist Dorothy Day...

  • Article 94: Coffee shops promote the development of society

    With their connection characteristics, coffee shops have become an ideal space for creativity and knowledge transmission, contributing to promoting cultural and social development. [caption id="attachment_34859" align="aligncenter" width="800"] "The mindset of the people who came to the coffee shop was completely superior to the rest." - Playwright Georges Courteline (1858-1929)[/caption] Space...

  • Article 93: Coffee etiquette in the journey to create the future

    Formed from practical experiences and life aspirations, the coffee enjoyment rituals continue to participate in shaping and promoting the development of each individual and society. [caption id="attachment_34424" align="aligncenter" width="800"] "Coffee opens your eyes to things you couldn't see before" - Architect Le Corbusier (1887 – 1965)[/caption] The ritual of wishing...